SEW Eurodrive
Here you can find everything you need to know about the latest drive automation solutions. From gearmotors and heavy industrial gears, to drive electronics, software and complete drive-based automation systems, we tailor our drive solutions to the needs of your applications. From one source. From one of the most trusted leaders in the field of drive technology – SEW-EURODRIVE.
Decatur Industrial Electric is the #1 SiemensĀ Distributor in the Midwest. We are a certified service center, factory super-modification center and authorized warranty service center. Click on the Siemens name to learn more, get a quote from us, or request drawings.
Ferraz Shawmut offers the widest and most complete choice of solutions available on the market. These include a full range of industrial fuses along with solutions for protection of medium-voltage distribution networks, thermal and power management. They are backed by a proven line-up of internationally renowned brand names: Amp-Trap, TRI-ONIC, Protistor, ULTRASAFE, Lindner, Linocur, Limitor, Ferraz Date Industries, Fouilleret, Berg., Lenoir Elec.