Specifying 63 motors with horsepower ratings ranging from 2HP to 250HP to achieve the optimum performance and reliability at a true state-of-the-art distillery is a major undertaking for project engineers. Some of the hardest work comes in the beginning stages – researching, identifying the appropriate design, and then working with the motor prints and drawings.
As a valued solutions partner, D.I.E. was asked to support the project engineers in specifying designs including motors for custom applications. These applications required comprehensive VFD-Duty motor designs that the OEM could not provide.
Our customer required the exact drawings be included for each motor quoted in the project.
D.I.E. came up with an organizational method to make it more efficient for the engineers to review and approve the drawings – saving them time and resources and eliminating any confusion that could majorly affect the project.
- Simply clicking on the drawing number within the spreadsheet takes the engineers to a sheet with the exact motor drawing image.
2. Once at the drawing image sheet, double-clicking on the image will open it in ADOBE PDF. This allows our customer’s engineers to rapidly and accurately access the motor drawings for each application on the project.
Do you have a project you need help with?
Let Decatur Industrial Electric make your job easier. Contact us today.